Archive for the tag: Spine

ultimate chiropractic treatment for back pain, sciatica and spine

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Spine Examination – Back Pain Assessment – 4K – Clinical Skills – Dr Gill

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Spine Examination – Back Pain Assessment – 4K – Clinical Skills – Dr Gill

This is a clinical examination of the spine following the approach in Macleod’s Clinical examination using the standard Look, Feel, Move approach of orthopaedic examinations.

Back pain and spine complaints are one of the most common reasons that patients will consult a doctor, so being able to correctly assess the spine is more than just an orthopaedic OSCE station, but is likely to be a large part of any students training and their training years as a junior doctor

Please note the spine examination should always include Schrober’s test, as well as assessing the limbs for any neurological signs if indicated in the history


Please note that there is no ABSOLUTE way to perform a clinical examination. Different institutions and even clinicians will have differing degrees of variations – the aim is the effectively identify medically relevant signs.

However during OSCE assessments. Different medical schools, nursing colleges and other health professional courses will have their own preferred approach to a clinical assessment – you should concentrate on THEIR marks schemes for your assessments.

The examination demonstrated here is derived from Macleods Clinical Examination – a recognised standard textbook for clinical skills.


Some people may find an ASRM effect from watching these clinical examination videos


This video has three other spine demonstration videos associated with it: – Spine examination explained – Gait, Arms, Legs, Spine – GALS screen – How to perform a DRE – digital rectal examination

#spineexam #clinicalskills #DrGill #ASMR #orthopaedics

You can now consult via video or in person with Dr Gill at Dr Finlay’s Private Practice –

00:00 – Introduction and Patient Verification
00:16 – Visual Inspection
00:43 – Spinal Tenderness Check
01:16 – Neck Movement Examination
01:55 – Chest and Arm Movement Test
02:10 – Lower Back Flexibility Assessment
03:00 – Leg Movement and Flexibility Check
03:31 – Reflex Tests on Arms and Legs
04:32 – Conclusion
Video Rating: / 5

CB Physiotherapy Clinic Jayanagar, Bengaluru
Integrated Physio Care for Active Healing
Appointment Booking number : 08047093099

We as physiotherapist and a qualified osteopath, we understand that the root cause of the back. We understand whether it is a spine problem or the muscle is creating the problem or the ligament is creating a problem. Depending upon that we suggest stretching, just osteopath adjustment of the spine and then we guide you and show the basic understating of how the osteopath adjustment of the back works. Let us see that ( Kindly view the treatment demonstration).
Apart from osteopath adjustment, you can do basic stretch, change in ergonomic posture, hot and cold compression at home. There are many basic things you can change in your lifestyle which will give you much more relief at regular intervals for the back pain.

SPINE ISSUE CAUSING URINARY PROBLEMS. How is it treated?-Dr.Kodlady Surendra Shetty| Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Kodlady Surendra Shetty | Appointment booking no: 080 2338 9357
Consultant Orthopedic & Spine Surgeon | Spine Care and Ortho Care Hospital,Bangalore
When there is a pressure on the spinal cord or the spinal roots the spinal cord is up to the level of L1 and below that there will be spinal roots wherever there is a pressure on the spinal cord. So there can be irregularity of the maturation or the urinary problem suppose that there is a sudden disc prolapse around the lower final column that is in the spinal root level below the L1. There will be final routes so if there is a sudden disc prolapse and there is a too much of compression the sudden compression then there can be paralysis of the bladder there can be paradise of the bladder there can be paralysis of the bubble that means there will be difficulty in maturation and difficulty in defecation also along with the weakness of the lower limb. So this has to be treated on an emergency basis yeah when there is sudden disc prolapse at L 3 or 4 level the disc comes out and presses upon the spinal nerve roots then there will be paralysis of the roots that leads to the weakness of the lower limb weakness of the bladder and weakness of the bubble. So there will be difficulty in passing urine properly so this is called cauda equina syndrome that is like coda equivalent means the tail of the horse that means the spinal cord in the lower level looks like a horse tail. So when there is a pressure on that so we get all these symptoms. So that is called cauda equina syndrome. Cauda equina syndrome is an emergency it has to be treated immediately and the treatment is usually surgery so when there is a pressure on the core it has to be released within four hours if you don’t release within that particular time there will be permanent damage for the roots and the maturation may be a problem for lifelong. So that has to be operated immediately and the either we have to do fusion surgery or decompression surgery depending upon the other findings.
#expertskisuno #caudaequinasyndrome
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What causes blood in urine? by Dr. S.K.Pal at Apollo Spectra Hospitals

What causes blood in urine? by Dr. S.K.Pal at Apollo Spectra Hospitals

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Spine Surgeon’s 20 second thoughts on Y-straps Chiropractor

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