The Precision Movement Academy is where those who love to move and be active and are serious about continuing to do so for the rest of their lives, learn how to do just that.
If you too are serious about eliminating pain, healing & preventing injuries and improving mobility so you can get back to and keep doing the things you love, here's how enrolling benefits you...
Location: Location: Dos Lagos Offramp & I-15 N, North of Temescal Valley
On Wednesday, August 10th, firefighters were dispatched to a vehicle collision on the I-15 North near the Dos Lagos Drive off ramp. With assistance from the Corona Fire Department, firefighters were able to quickly extinguish the flames. No injuries to civilians or firefighters were reported throughout the duration of the incident.
#calfire #calfirefirefighters #rvcfire #calfirerru #firefighter #firefighters Video Rating: / 5
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Emergency Services / Fire Department Dispatch Scanner Audio for Broome County, New York EMS Fire Alerts Firewire Fire Wire #whereisthefire #ScannerNerds Scanner Nerds NY
Silver City Command 1, Command 2, Command 3, Engine 41
Mannford Rescue 254
Creek County EMS Unit 56 (Mutual Aid to Mannford)
OHP (X1)
An off-duty Mannford PD Officer drove up on the crash before a 911 call was sent. He reported the crash and began patient assessment for EMS.
CCEMS responded in place of Mannford EMS, as they had no Ambulance available. The PD Officer cleared himself from scene after SCVFD arrived. Mannford VFD Responded with Rescue as protocol for serious wrecks. One patient transported non-emergent by Unit 56 with several broken bones, the other driver refused care. Video Rating: / 5
York, ME Squad 1 and Ambulance 1 responding to MVA at Rt. 91 and Old McIntire Rd. 2 Vehicles, 3 injuries. Engine 4 also responding to a second MVA on I-95
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