Archive for the tag: MidBack

Single Best Treatment for Mid-Back or Thoracic Pain (Do-It-Yourself)

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Famous Physical Therapist’s Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck describe what they believe is the single best treatment for Mid-Back or Thoracic Pain. You can do this treatment yourself.

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“Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present the absolute best self-treatment for Thoracic (Mid-Back) Pain or a Thoracic Disc Problem. It is based on the McKenzie Method or Technique.

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Check out the Products Bob and Brad LOVE on their Amazon Channel:

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Our book “Three Simple Steps To Treat Back Pain” is available on Kindle
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Mid-Back & Rib Pain

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Mid-Back & Rib Pain

This Life + TV discusses pain associated with the middle back, provide brief orientation to this part of the body, discuss the 5 most common causes of pain in this region and steps you can take to relieve the pain.
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Louise & Oliver discuss some of the most common causes and triggers for pain over the back of the rib cage looking at the costovertebral & costotransverse joint dysfunction, rib head injuries, dysfunction of the thoracic spine and trigger point referral!

This series ‘What is causing my pain?’ gives you an insight into the osteopathic diagnosis process and what is considered when pain is caused in the body.

We strongly advised getting your ribs assessed properly first and seeking advice from a musckuloskeletal expert to determine the correct diagnosis for you and the best course of treatment, exercises and management!

For more information about Osteo and Physio including what we do and why, check out our website at :


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