The Precision Movement Academy is where those who love to move and be active and are serious about continuing to do so for the rest of their lives, learn how to do just that.
If you too are serious about eliminating pain, healing & preventing injuries and improving mobility so you can get back to and keep doing the things you love, here's how enrolling benefits you...
VR Fails PART 2:
I noticed when you searched “VR Fail Compilation” on YouTube there were only compilations of fails with the DK1 and DK2, but there were many HTC Vive and Oculus Rift CV1 fails in little clips out there… so I decided to take all the ones I know of and make a compilation myself!
Also, big thanks to the /r/VRFail subreddit! I got many of these clips from there and my own knowledge of clips that I have seen in the past!
This hilarious VR fails compilation features people trying VR for the first time, with people falling over, and generally not being able to cope with virtual reality.
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