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Teething gets blamed for many unpleasant side effects. Is a fever one of them? Dr Anne Roberts, MD of Providence Pediatrics says probably not.
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Teething happens to every child but this can sometimes become a concern to parents. Find out how you can handle this situation as we debunk some common myths about teething in this video.
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Can Teething Cause Fever in Babies?
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Teething and Fever in toddlers is often associated with each other. Many doctors and parents think that a fever shows up during the same time that a baby is teething, means that the teething caused the fever. However, this is purely coincidental, fever is usually cause by some kind of small infection in which the growing immune system of the infant is still growing and raises its body temperature to help fight of bacteria.
Teething does not cause fever. If a fever persists for more than 4-5 days, then you may want to go see your pediatrician to take a look.
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