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The Truth About A Chiropractic Y-Strap

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The Truth About A Chiropractic Y-Strap

My thoughts on the Y-Strap…

You’ve probably seen it all over Youtube if you search “chiropractic”. The Y-strap is basically a strap that wraps around people’s heads and a diversified chiropractor yanks at the Y-axis distraction, which causes a whole series of joints to pop.

But if your problem is…let’s just say a herniation at the C6 level, something that crude CANNOT give you a specific pressure type of adjustment that actually repositions it in the right place.

We are out for a specificity, not for a bunch of pops everywhere.

At Intero Chiropractic, we LOVE taking on tough cases because we get results. Are you ready to take the next step toward getting out of pain and living your best life?

How we are different from other chiropractors:
We are now accepting new patients at our offices. Get in touch for more information or to schedule an appointment!
Intero Chiropractic – Pleasanton
6620 Owens Dr.
Pleasanton, CA 94588

Intero Chiropractic – Concord
1390 Willow Pass Road, Suite 190
Concord, CA 94520

Phone: (925) 255-5805

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The Truth about Hepatitis B

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Hear from Stanford Asian Liver Center doctors and patients about Hepatitis B. Learn about transmission possibilities, treatment options, misconceptions about hep b and pregnancy, testing, and more.
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How Does Hepatitis B Make You Feel? Hepatitis B Symptoms

When you have hepatitis B, which is caused by the hepatitis B virus, you may feel only slightly uncomfortable from the symptoms, or you could experience symptoms that make you feel pretty sick. Signs and symptoms of hepatitis B typically start to appear from one to four months after you’ve been infected, although it’s possible you could begin to notice them in as little as two weeks. This video describes how you’re likely to feel when you have a hepatitis infection.

Do you know anyone who has had, or have you ever had, a hepatitis infection. What did it feel like, and what were the symptoms. Feel free to comment below.👇

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Other videos and webpages about how hepatitis B makes you feel:

What you need to know about Hepatitis B

Is Hepatitis B Contagious?

Hepatitis B – Mayo Clinic,whites%20of%20your%20eyes%20(jaundice)

How Does Hepatitis B Make You Feel, hepatitis symptoms, signs of hepatitis, hepatitis B virus, HBV, jaundice, How does hepatitis B affect the body, Does hepatitis B make you tired, Do you feel sick with hepatitis B, hepatitis B vaccine
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Five Things to Know about your Child's Fever

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Next time your little one strikes a fever it doesn’t mean you need to get overheated. There are a handful of things to remember to help you keep a cool head. First, it’s not considered a fever until the temperature tops 100.4.

“We like to know about fevers over the 100.4 mark. Anything above the 103.5 — 104 range can be associated with significant infections,” says Dr. Nancy Witham, pediatrician with Lee Memorial Health System.

Secondly, fever is a healthy response for the body.

“People always assume the fever itself may be part of the sickness, but a fever is oftentimes what your body is doing to help you fight off an infection,” says Dr. Witham.

Third on our list is to treat the symptoms, not the number. Instead of focusing on the thermometer’s fluctuations, pay attention to what’s making your child feel bad.

“You’re giving your fever reducer not so much to bring down the fever. It’ll do that hopefully, but it is also going to make them feel a little bit more comfortable. Maybe make them a little bit more likely to drink the juice you think they need,” says Dr. Witham.

Fourth up – in babies use a rectal temperature. A rectal thermometer gives true core temperature whereas forehead and ear thermometers aren’t nearly as accurate.

And finally, keep your doctor updated. And tell them about symptoms that might be a sign of something more serious.

“We would like to know where you’ve taken your temperature and what you’ve gotten, what you’re noticing as a parent. Your child is lying around even after the anti fever medicine and has that stiff neck. You might also want to notice any skin rashes; that can be very important,” says Dr. Witham.

Another important point, is to stay calm, most fevers subside in a matter of days.

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Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we’ve been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.
