Hear from HSS experts on common injuries in swimming: Scott Rodeo, MD; and Theresa Chiaia, PT.

Check out our other swimming resources (here: http://bit.ly/KIX7jw) and our Sports Medicine programs (here: http://bit.ly/KIX4UN) and team (here: http://bit.ly/KIXjPG).

Overuse injuries continue to increase in adolescent athletes. These athletes are training harder and longer – and sometimes, they may be doing so incorrectly. It’s incredibly important that all athletes follow proper training and technique guidelines, while also getting proper nutrition and rest outside of their sport activity. Overuse injuries occur when, simply put, too much is asked of the body and bone and/or muscle break down, leading to injury. When athletes push themselves so hard that they don’t allow their body proper recovery time, they are much more likely to sustain an overuse injury. In order for athletes to perform at their max and stay in the game, they need to take care of themselves and do what they can to prevent injuries, including overuse injuries.
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