The Precision Movement Academy is where those who love to move and be active and are serious about continuing to do so for the rest of their lives, learn how to do just that.
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Accelerate joint recovery and train without pain to reach all new PR’s here…
Most people that work out do so in pain or with muscle soreness at one point or another. It’s inevitable if you’re lifting hard and heavy that you are going to get muscle soreness. In fact, muscle soreness in the form of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a good thing. It helps to set the stage for muscle repair and growth.
That said, soreness that lingers for so long that it impacts the quality of your subsequent workouts or begins to spreads to your joints and ligaments can be a very bad thing. Most gym related injuries are chronic in nature. Besides the occasional acute injury that occurs from an accident, injuries from working out come from overuse and under recovery.
The decision on whether to keep working out with soreness or injury is a key one as it will either set you back more if done improperly, or help you to begin your recovery. The first recommendation I give is to decrease the weights that you are using so that you can allow the muscles that are supposed to be doing the work actually do their job. Compensation that occurs when an injured joint or sore muscle tries to lift something it isn’t capable of will often aggravate the issue.
If you can lift the weight with good form and without discomfort, then you will definitely want to continue to train to help you build your muscles up to better handle the issue in the future. Over time, your muscles will get stronger and your joint mechanics will be proper to prevent the recurrence of the injury.
If for some reason you cannot lift the weight with proper form, then you are asking for a ride on the cycle of pain. This pain cycle starts with pain from working out. During the lift the person in pain will likely alter their joint mechanics to shift the force away from what’s causing the pain. From here, the intended muscle does less work than it should. This causes a weakness and eventual muscle atrophy. Along with the weakness and compromised strength comes a joint compromise as well. Joints ill equipped to handle the loads wind up getting asked to do too much and they too begin to get injured, further contributing to an already messy situation.
If you want to break the cycle of pain so you can work out at your best, you may need to start exploring safe joint supplements. The ATHLEAN-Rx MECHAN-X joint supplement is an all natural weapon in your training arsenal that can help you relieve your sore muscles and joints when working out to get you seeing your best results from every workout. Stop compromising your lifts and see your true potential by training without pain.
For more videos on exercises for injuries, working out with soreness and when to work out a sore muscle, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at
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Executive Producer: Doctor Mike
Production Director and Editor: Dan Owens
Managing Editor and Producer: Sam Bowers
Editor and Designer: Caroline Weigum
Editor: Juan Carlos Zuniga
* Select photos/videos provided by Getty Images *
** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional ** Video Rating: / 5
I’ll teach you how to become the media’s go-to expert in your field. Enroll in The Professional’s Media Academy now:
Listen to my podcast, @DoctorMikeCheckup, here:
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Help us continue the fight against medical misinformation and change the world through charity by becoming a Doctor Mike Resident on Patreon where every month I donate 100% of the proceeds to the charity, organization, or cause of your choice! Residents get access to bonus content, an exclusive discord community, and many other perks for just a month. Become a Resident today:
Contact Email:
Executive Producer: Doctor Mike
Production Director and Editor: Dan Owens
Managing Editor and Producer: Sam Bowers
Editor and Designer: Caroline Weigum
Editor: Juan Carlos Zuniga
* Select photos/videos provided by Getty Images *
** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **
Manual handling risks contribute to 33% of all workplace injuries according to the HSE. We look at the key steps in addressing risk management of manual handling risks in the workplace.
For more information please visit Video Rating: / 5
Why Manual handling Accidents #safetyfirstlife #shorts #manualhandlingsafety #safetyatwork #hse
In this video, we are going to learn why there are workplace accidents during manual handling? What is the safest way to handle the loads? What causes accidents during the manual handling process? What are the hidden causes of worker injuries while dealing with the different loads and materials? Why are workers involved in carelessness, negligence and, ignorance towards safe working procedures and safe work practices? All useful safety information about the safe handling of material, hazards, risks involved in manual handling and, how to protect workers from harm, all are available in this short safety training video on safety first life?
@SafetyAnimation @SAFETYMGMTSTUDY @hsestudyguide @BRIGHTSIDEOFFICIAL @BS_Arabic @HSEntertainment86
#safetyfirstlife, Why Manual handling Accidents #safetyfirstlife #shorts #manualhandlingsafety #safetyatwork #hse, manual handling, safety video, manual handling accidents causes, safe handling of material at work sites, accidents during lifting materials by using hands, safety at work, safety first life, safety mistakes, safety training video, manual handling risk assessment, safe material handling, load calculation before a lift, manual handling safety tips, unsafe acts
If you are interested to learn more on safety topics, kindly click on the link below
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My main hobby as a #physicaltherapist is salsa #dance. We train various #stunts with my partner, some of which can be quite scary. While this stunt was successful, others have not been. It is important to #train #mobility to reduce #injuries. #concussion is one big risk in any stunt like this.
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Turn on the bell, and get my first hand feed here!
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#sasali #flexibility #danceclass
today in my flexibility stretching training class, teachers are helping my classmates and me to do the passive stretching training to improve our flexibility, this is important if you want to dance more elegantly. teachers asked me to lay down on the floor, inhale and exhale, then she gently stretch my legs to 180 degrees. this is ordinary flexibility stretching training for the professional dancer despite it is a little painful. so we have been told to shout it out when we feel the pain. because shouting can help we inhale and exhale, which can relax our tighten muscle, can reduce the pain, can let us stick to the end, and gain flexibility.
Please don’t imitate the training in this video by yourself. The students in the video are the professional dancers and have been studying for more than years. The teachers have more than five years of teaching experience, so they dare to train students like this.
The students in the video are challenging to a higher level of flexibility, so the training of the teachers is more severe. But this kind of training is harmless because the students have already warmed up before the training, the bones and muscles have been totally relaxed, after the training, the students will get the corresponding auxiliary massage to eliminate the muscle pain.
Everyone has a limited ability to withstand the pain, so you can see some of the students screaming or crying in the video, and some students are not. but This is good in flexibility training, If it is not painful, that means students have not broken his or her own limit, then he or she will not make progress, and such pain is controllable. also screaming or crying helping them inhale and exhale, relax the tighten muscle, relieve the pain, then they can hold in that position for enough time, that is the goal when doing the flexibility stretching.
the students in this video are all adults, they pay tuition to learn, so they knew what they need to go through, and they recognize the teaching method. Video Rating: / 5
Happy National Dance Day! Do you know the most common dance injuries? Chelsea Kemlage, PT, DPT, COMT, CDNS, a physical therapist at OrthoVirginia, talks about two categories of dance injuries and their symptoms.
#physicaltherapy #dance #nationaldanceday
All content provided on this website/in this video is for informational and educational purposes, and to help viewers learn more about us. We do not provide medical advice in this video. Viewing this video does not by itself create a physician-patient relationship between you and OrthoVirginia. If you require medical attention, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.