The Precision Movement Academy is where those who love to move and be active and are serious about continuing to do so for the rest of their lives, learn how to do just that.
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Andrew Fabiano, MD, is the Director of the Spinal Oncology Center at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. He shares with fellow physicians how to evaluate cancer patients who present with back pain. Dr. Fabiano discusses when to suspect spinal metastatic disease along with imaging and treatment options.
This video originally appeared on and is jointly presented by Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Prova Education. Video Rating: / 5
Talk to a Dr. Berg Keto Consultant today and get the help you need on your journey. Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Keto, Intermittent Fasting or the use of Dr. Berg products. Consultants are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 10 pm EST. Saturday & Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm EST. USA Only.
Sciatica Pain:
Find out what the best vitamin for sciatica is!
0:00 What is sciatica?
0:28 The best vitamin for sciatica
0:48 Benfotiamine
1:05 Symptoms of a vitamin B2 deficiency
1:48 Causes of a vitamin B2 deficiency
2:20 Foods high in vitamin B2
Today I’m going to share with you the best vitamin for sciatica. Sciatica is pain down the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve comes from the lumbar spine all the way down the back part of the leg and into the foot. It’s the longest and biggest nerve in the body.
The sciatic nerve needs certain nutrients to function correctly. But, the deficiency that will create the most damage to the sciatic nerve is a vitamin B2 deficiency (riboflavin). But, B12 and B1 are also important. Taking the whole B complex may be the best way to go. Benfotiamine may also be beneficial. Benfotiamine is fat-soluble B1.
Other symptoms of a vitamin B2 deficiency:
1. Peripheral neuropathy
2. The limbs are weak
3. Skin lesions or problems
4. A swollen mouth or tongue (or red tongue)
5. A break down of the nervous system
6. Cracked heels
7. Oily skin (especially around the nose)
8. Hearing loss
A vitamin B2 deficiency can be caused by not consuming enough foods that are high in vitamin B2. But, it can also be caused by a problem with the gut that destroys your ability to absorb nutrients. In this situation, you may just need more than the average amount of B2.
Foods high in vitamin B2:
• Liver
• Beef
• Clams (and other shellfish)
• Mushrooms
• Nuts
• Cheese
• Eggs
• Fish
• Green vegetables
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 56, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Thanks for watching! Vitamin B2 could be the best vitamin for sciatica. You may want to give it a try. Video Rating: / 5
Spinal specialist Ramesh Nadarajah explains the causes and symptoms of back pain, and the different types of back pain. He discusses the signs and symptoms associated with back pain, such as arthritis, sciatica and lumbar spinal stenosis. He also explains how posture can affect the health of your spine, and what you can do to help alleviate pain.
About Mr Nadarajah:
Mr Nadarajah is an Adult and Paediatric Spinal Surgeon. His NHS base is Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, and Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. He also has an honorary contract at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen’s Square and Barts Health NHS Trust.
Mr Nadarajah provides a dedicated tertiary spinal service to patients from South East England and from other national spinal units for patients with complex spinal problems. The focus of his work is to improve the diagnosis, management and long-term outcome for patients with a spinal disorder at all ages.
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Influenza, or the flu, is a contagious viral infection that attacks your nose, throat, and lungs. It can cause fever, chills, runny nose, sore throat, cough, muscle aches, and fatigue. The flu virus is extremely small and only visible through electron microscopes. Inside the virus, genetic material contains the information to make more copies of the same virus. A protein shell provides a hard, protective enclosure for the genetic material as the virus travels between the people or animals it infects. An outer envelope allows the virus to infect cells by merging with the cell’s outer membrane. Projecting from the envelope are spikes of protein molecules. The flu virus uses its H spikes like a key to get inside your cells. N spikes allow copies of the virus to break away from your infected cells to infect more cells. There are 17 known types of H spikes and nine types of N spikes that scientists use to name different flu viruses, such as the virus H5N1. You get the flu by touching an object that has the flu virus on it or through exposure to body fluids from people or animals infected with the virus. When an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes, droplets carrying the influenza virus may land in your mouth or nose and then move into your lungs. Once inside your body, the influenza virus comes into contact with cells in your nose, throat, or lungs. The H spike on the virus inserts into a receptor molecule on your healthy cell membrane, like a key in a lock. This action allows the virus to get inside your cell. Next, the virus travels inside a sack made from your cell membrane to your cell’s nucleus. Then the viral envelope and cell membrane sack combine, allowing the viral genetic material to leave the sack and enter the nucleus. The viral genetic material hijacks the energy and materials in your cell’s nucleus to make thousands of copies of itself. Some of the genetic material moves out of the nucleus, then attaches to ribosomes, which are the protein building parts of your cell. Ribosomes use information from the genetic material to make other viral proteins, such as the H and N spikes. A packaging structure in your cell, called the Golgi apparatus, carries the H and N spikes in vesicles which merge with your cell’s membrane. All the parts needed to create a new virus gather just beneath your cell’s membrane. Then a new virus begins to bud off from the cell’s membrane. During this process, the newly created virus gets stuck on your cell’s membrane when a viral H spike locks onto membrane receptors. However, the virus has a way to get around this problem. The viral N spike frees the virus by cutting it away from the receptor. New influenza viruses are now free to infect more of your cells and cause you to develop the flu. If you have the flu, your doctor may prescribe Oseltamivir, which you would take orally, or Zanamivir, which you would take using an inhaler, to help speed your recovery or reduce your risk for complications. These anti-viral drugs stop the influenza virus by blocking the viral N spike from freeing the virus. This causes the new viruses to stick to the surface of your cell, so they cannot escape and infect more of your cells. The best way to protect yourself from the flu is to get the flu vaccine every year. You may receive the vaccine as a shot, which contains dead versions of several types of the virus, or you may receive it as a nasal spray, which contains several types of live, but very weak, forms of the virus. The vaccine exposes your body to several types of the influenza virus that are too weak to cause infection but just strong enough to stimulate an immune response. Within two weeks, cells in your immune system make markers called antibodies, which are specific for only the types of flu you were exposed to. The antibodies attach to each flu virus and prevent it from attaching to your cells. Antibodies are also able to attach to more than one flu virus, which causes viruses to clump together. Your immune system responds to signals from the antibodies by engulfing and destroying the clumps of viruses. Later, if you are exposed to these types of flu again, your body recognizes and destroys them, so you will not develop the flu from these same viruses. For continued protection against new flu viruses, you will need to get a flu vaccine every year.
Abdominal pain as well as back pain are a common part of all our lives. Not a single one of us will go through life without experiencing it in one form or another.
The best thing to do is to know and understand the causes, and then take measures to feel better.
You may even consider taking a supplement packed full of benefits like Turmeric with BioPerine for an easy and natural way of managing symptoms.
If pain becomes too hard to manage or if you have any concerns, be sure to speak to a doctor right away.
By knowing what causes the pain and having a wide range of tools, treatments and good doctors for help, these pains can be eradicated with ease.
Read more here:
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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are infections (mostly bacterial) of the urinary system. UTIs occur more frequently in young women compared to other groups. Due to irritation and inflammation from infective organisms, UTIs have characteristic signs and symptoms. In this lesson, we discuss those signs and symptoms in detail and discuss the reason why they occur.
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**MEDICAL LEGAL DISCLAIMER**: JJ Medicine does not provide medical advice, and the information available on this channel does not offer a diagnosis or advice regarding treatment. Information presented in these lessons is for educational purposes ONLY, and information presented here is not to be used as an alternative to a healthcare professional’s diagnosis and treatment of any person/animal. Only a physician or other licensed healthcare professional are able to determine the requirement for medical assistance to be given to a patient. Please seek the advice of your physician or other licensed healthcare provider if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.
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Blood in the urine (known as hematuria) is a common occurrence that elicits prostate cancer fears in many men and usually results in an uncomfortable cystoscopy to check for the presence of bladder cancer. In this video, PCRI’s CEO, Alex Scholz, asks Executive Director, Mark Scholz, MD, about hematuria, whether it is a symptom of prostate cancer, and Dr. Scholz offers information about a urine test that could circumvent the need for an invasive cystoscopy.
0:15 Is the presence of blood in the urine a symptom of prostate cancer?
Blood in the urine is very rarely an indicator of prostate cancer. More commonly it is a symptom of previous radiation, bladder cancer, kidney stones, or prostatitis.
1:03 Historically, a cystoscopy was required to test for the presence of bladder cancer; however, there is now a urine test called CXbladder that can be a substitute for the cystoscopy. A scan would still be required to check for kidney stones and other diagnostic criteria.
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Who we are:
The Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to helping you research your treatment options. We understand that you have many questions, and we can help you find the answers that are specific to your case. All of our resources are designed by a multidisciplinary team of advocates and expert physicians, for patients. We believe that by educating yourself about the disease, you will have more productive interactions with your medical professionals and receive better individualized care. Feel free to explore our website or call our free helpline at 1 (800) 641-7274 with any questions that you have. Our Federal Tax ID # is 95-4617875 and qualifies for maximum charitable gift deductions by individual donors.
The information on the Prostate Cancer Research Institute’s YouTube channel is provided with the understanding that the Institute is not engaged in rendering medical advice or recommendation. The information provided in these videos should not replace consultations with qualified health care professionals to meet your individual medical needs.
This Life + TV discusses pain associated with the middle back, provide brief orientation to this part of the body, discuss the 5 most common causes of pain in this region and steps you can take to relieve the pain. Video Rating: / 5
Louise & Oliver discuss some of the most common causes and triggers for pain over the back of the rib cage looking at the costovertebral & costotransverse joint dysfunction, rib head injuries, dysfunction of the thoracic spine and trigger point referral!
This series ‘What is causing my pain?’ gives you an insight into the osteopathic diagnosis process and what is considered when pain is caused in the body.
We strongly advised getting your ribs assessed properly first and seeking advice from a musckuloskeletal expert to determine the correct diagnosis for you and the best course of treatment, exercises and management!
For more information about Osteo and Physio including what we do and why, check out our website at :
Back pain during pregnancy is common. The good news is there are some simple things you can do to help prevent or manage your back pain. Video Rating: / 5
Help relieve lower back pain during pregnancy with these simple exercises. For this video, I teamed up with Dr. Jen, a pelvic floor physical therapist who also happens to be pregnant! She’ll show you her top 5 exercises to help relieve low back pain when you are pregnant by mobilizing and stabilizing the pelvis. Watch more videos at
The first exercise to help relieve low back pain during pregnancy is an anterior and posterior pelvic tilt. This is when you are emphasizing moving your hips forwards and backwards.
The next lower back exercise is a lateral pelvic tilt, or moving your pelvis in a side to side direction.
Now you will focus on stability with your core muscles including the diaphragm, pelvic floor, transversus abdominis, and multifidus muscles (deep spinal muscles). This should be done while you are breathing normally, so try not to hold your breath. After you achieve this, you can add in a bridge to activate the gluteus muscles.
Then you will get onto all fours, or in quadruped. Then you will do pelvic tilts again, or some call it the cat/dog exercise or stretch. You can also do lateral tilts as well.
Finally, you will do the child’s pose or prayer stretch. If you are later in your pregnancy, you can use a pillow for support.
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5 Best Pregnancy Lower Back Pain Relief Exercises :
DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC, its officers, employees, and contractors for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk. Video Rating: / 5
Want to know about back pain during pregnancy?
This video provides information about types, causes and remedies of back pain while pregnant.
Back pain is one of the most common symptoms that pregnant women complain of. In some women, it starts early in pregnancy and remains as they progress through the nine months. In other women, continues to hinder them even after the baby is born. Some women experience upper back pain during pregnancy, while some experience lower back pain.
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Any information provided in this video is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctor or any health professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding. Video Rating: / 5
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In this video, I will talk about the 10 simple tips to get rid of back pain caused by gas.
Back Pain patients are loving these weird back stretches that relieve back pain in minutes.
Click the link below for step by step guidance.
Most people pass gas between 13 and 21 times a day.
When gas is blocked from escaping, constipation and back pain may be responsible.
Luckily, many home remedies can help to release trapped gas or prevent it from building up.
1. Let it out.
Holding in gas can cause bloating, discomfort, and pain.
The easiest way to avoid these symptoms is to simply let out the gas.
2. Pass stool.
A bowel movement can relieve gas.
The passing stool will usually release any gas trapped in the intestines.
3. Eat slowly.
Eating too quickly or while moving can cause a person to take in air as well as food, leading to gas-
related pain.
Quick eaters can slow down by chewing each bite of food 30 times.
Breaking down food in such a way aids digestion and can prevent a number of related complaints,
including bloating and indigestion.
4. Avoid chewing gum.
As a person chews gum, they tend to swallow air, which increases the likelihood of trapped wind and
gas pains.
Sugarless gum also contains artificial sweeteners, which may cause bloating and gas.
5. Quit smoking.
Whether using traditional or electronic cigarettes, smoking causes air to enter the digestive tract.
Because of the range of health issues linked to smoking, quitting is wise for many reasons.
6. Choose non-carbonated drinks.
Carbonated drinks, such as sparkling water and sodas, send a lot of gas to the stomach.
This can cause bloating and pain.
7. Drink tea.
Some herbal teas may aid digestion and reduce gas pain fast.
The most effective teas made from
– Anise.
– Chamomile.
– Ginger.
– Peppermint.
Anise acts as a mild laxative and should be avoided if diarrhea accompanies gas.
However, it can be helpful if constipation is responsible for trapped gas.
8. Clove oil.
Clove oil has traditionally been used to treat digestive complaints, including bloating, gas, and
It may also have ulcer-fighting properties.
Consuming clove oil after meals can increase digestive enzymes and reduce the amount of gas in the intestines.
9. Add apple cider vinegar to water.
Apple cider vinegar aids the production of stomach acid and digestive enzymes.
It may also help to alleviate gas pain quickly.
Add a tablespoon of the vinegar to a glass of water and drink it before meals to prevent gas pain and bloating.
10. Breathe deeply.
Deep breathing may not work for everyone.
Taking in too much air can increase the amount of gas in the intestines.
However, some people find that deep breathing techniques can relieve the pain and discomfort
associated with trapped gas.
Back Pain patients are loving these weird back stretches that relieve back pain in minutes.
Click the link below NOW for step by step guidance.
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benefit from this video. Video Rating: / 5