Strep throat (streptococcal pharyngitis)- pathophysciology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
back and hip August 29th. 2022, 10:34pmBuy PDFs here:
“GAS or streptococcus pyogenes is the most common bacterial cause of acute tonsillitis.
Here is a mouth with pharyngotonsilitis, inflammation of both the pharynx and tonsils. Here is a photo of bacterial tonsillitis. Pharyngotonsillitis caused by GAS is sometimes referred to as strep throat. The majority of episodes of pharyngitis are caused by viral infections which are usually treated conservatively. However, early recognition of s.pyogenes is important since failure to appropriately treat strep throat may lead to GAS complications. Unfortunately, distinguishing between viral and bacteria can be difficult.
The group a streptococcus are beta haemolytic cocci able to produce some exotoxins and also contain many surface antigens that play a vital role in its pathophysiology such as m proteins. Transmission of strep throat is through saliva and nasal secretion from an infected person.”
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