The Precision Movement Academy is where those who love to move and be active and are serious about continuing to do so for the rest of their lives, learn how to do just that.
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Teething gets blamed for many unpleasant side effects. Is a fever one of them? Dr Anne Roberts, MD of Providence Pediatrics says probably not.
Watch the full episode of Medical Myths at
Teething happens to every child but this can sometimes become a concern to parents. Find out how you can handle this situation as we debunk some common myths about teething in this video.
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As an employer, you must protect your workers from the risk of injury associated with hazardous manual handling. It’s estimated that 21% of all non-fatal workplace injuries are attributable to manual handling injuries and that a third of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are also caused through manual handling activities.
Our manual handling training courses are designed to help minimise the incidence of MSDs, reduce the risk of injury to your employees and increase productivity through absence avoidance.
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“GAS or streptococcus pyogenes is the most common bacterial cause of acute tonsillitis.
Here is a mouth with pharyngotonsilitis, inflammation of both the pharynx and tonsils. Here is a photo of bacterial tonsillitis. Pharyngotonsillitis caused by GAS is sometimes referred to as strep throat. The majority of episodes of pharyngitis are caused by viral infections which are usually treated conservatively. However, early recognition of s.pyogenes is important since failure to appropriately treat strep throat may lead to GAS complications. Unfortunately, distinguishing between viral and bacteria can be difficult.
The group a streptococcus are beta haemolytic cocci able to produce some exotoxins and also contain many surface antigens that play a vital role in its pathophysiology such as m proteins. Transmission of strep throat is through saliva and nasal secretion from an infected person.”
Hey lovely’s! Today I’m 35 weeks and 2 days pregnant! In the video I will discuss my progression, back pain and the group b strep test. Please Like Comment and Subscribe!
Amphotericin B is a macrocyclic polyene antifungal antibiotic that can be used in various fungal infections including mucormycosis. This drug is given mainly by intravenous route and shows broad spectrum of activity. It mainly acts by binding to ergosterol in the fungal cell wall thereby disrupts membrane rigidity and increases leakiness. It acts as ionophore such that it forms an ion channel on the fungal membrane. Video Rating: / 5
Cait and Kaylee review the function of fevers, when to worry, and how to manage fevers in kids.
References/ Further Reading:
Famous Wrestler X-Pac suffered one of the most gruesome injuries we have ever seen. At an indie event in Minnesota, X-Pac was going for the “Bronco Buster.” Unfortunately his opponent moved out of the way, resulting in Pac tearing his anus. He went to the hospital and has been released though he states he could have died from the injury.
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The topic of which specific mechanism fevers act by is one of grand discussion which has also been fuelled by many myths and non-scientifically based assertions. This video provides an overview of the most prominent theories of the existence and action of fevers in immunological response. it discusses the processes that the human body undergoes while in a state of fever.
This video was made by Health Science 4DM3 students: Yu Fei
Xia, Zil E-Huma Nasir, Ivelina Velikova and Mohammed Abdul-Khaliq
Copyright McMaster University 2017
Canadian Pharmacists Association – English [Internet]. [cited 2017
Nov 6]. Available from:
Ontario G of. The flu [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2017 Nov
6]. Available from:
Kid Care for Fevers: Myths, Misconceptions and the Facts | St. Louis
Children’s Hospital [Internet]. 2015 [cited 2017 Nov 6]. Available
Cavaillon J-M. Good and bad fever. Critical Care. 2012;16(2):119.
Walter EJ, Hanna-Jumma S, Carraretto M, Forni L. The
pathophysiological basis and consequences of fever. Critical Care.
Evans SS, Repasky EA, Fisher DT. Fever and the thermal regulation of
immunity: the immune system feels the heat. Nature Reviews Immunology.
2015 Jun 1;15(6):335-49.
Young P, Saxena M, Bellomo R, Freebairn R, Hammond N, Haren FV, et
al. Acetaminophen for Fever in Critically Ill Patients with Suspected
Infection. New England Journal of Medicine. 2015Mar;373(23):2215–24.
Schmitt BD. Fever phobia: misconceptions of parents about fevers.
American Journal of Diseases of Children. 1980 Feb 1;134(2):176-81.
Ukulele Hakuna Matata by HookSounds
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0…
Music provided by Music for Creators Video Rating: / 5
These back pain stretches and exercises are for general back pain like soreness from overworking your back or if you’ve pulled a muscle. If you know your specific back pain diagnosis, can check out the back pain section of my website for more specific exercises and stretches. See Doctor Jo’s blog post about this at:
The first stretch is called the pelvic tilt. You will roll back onto your back with your knees bent. You want to imagine pushing your belly button into the ground, or push your back flat onto the ground like you are squishing something. You can put your hand under the curve of your back, and try to push your back into your hand. Make sure you are breathing and not holding your breath while doing these exercises.
Next you will do a bridge. Push your bottom up off the ground, but try to do this slowly, and do one segment of your back at a time curling upward. Then slowly go down the same way, one segment at a time.
Now you will do a single knee to chest stretch, bend one knee and bring your leg up to your chest as far as you comfortably can. Hold this for 30 seconds and do it three times on each side. Next, bring both knees to your chest, and hold it for 30 seconds doing it three times. This is called a double knee to chest stretch.
Then try some gentle trunk rotation stretches on your back with your knees bent in hooklying. Gently rotate your bent legs from side to side. You can hold them on each side for 3-5 seconds or you can continuously rotate them back and forth. Again, try to keep your lower back on the ground. You can start off with 10 and work your way up to 20-25.
The next stretch is the prayer stretch. Bring your butt back onto your heels, and keep your arms straight out. Relax your head down to the ground. Hold it for 30 seconds, and do it three times.
Finally, you will do a combination move where you start in a plank position, and go into an upward dog yoga position. Hold that for 3-5 seconds, and then make a smooth transition into a downward dog position. You can go through this motion 3-5 times.
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Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Tweets by AskDoctorJo
How to Relieve Back Pain:
DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk. Video Rating: / 5
Ankle sprains, Achilles tendinopathy, runners knee, plantar fasciitis and more, they’re all common running injuries, but how do you know if you actually have one of these injuries? To help you identify niggles and pains in the future, Heather is here to help with some tips on how to limit them!
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Did you know that when running you can be putting a force two to three times your body weight through your feet and legs? It’s, therefore, no surprise that so many of us pick up various pains, niggles, and injuries over the years from running.
So, to help you identify any of these niggles and pains in the future, Heather is going to run through a bunch of the most common, and tips on how to limit them!
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