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How to give yourself a fever! Tweets by JoelKawira
Greetings boys and girls. In this video, we’re going to be learning how to give yourself a fever, because a self induced fever is just such a great idea and you should definitely be attempting it (sarcasm)
Having a fever means you have a raised body temperature. So if you want to give yourself a fever, you want to raise the temperature of your body. So let’s talk about that. You can raise the temperature of your body using medical assistance. But let’s be honest, most of you watching this video are probably teenagers trying to skip school. So the chances of you being able to afford medical assistance is zero and let’s face it, your mothers’ not going to pay for medical assistance for you to get a fever so you can fake your own sickness. Let’s stay away from the medically assisted methods. So here’s how we’re going to raise our body temperature. We’re going to do it together. Here’s what you’re going to do so you can know how to raise your body temperature to fake a fever. You won’t learn how to get fever immediately, it’s overnight! So here’s essentially how to get sick overnight.
Step One – Hot Bath:
You are going to run yourself a hot bath. Make that bath as hot as you can. Whatever your threshold for heat is… find out what will burn you, and then just back it up a little bit. You’re going to get in that bath for about half an hour okay. It’s going to be a little bit uncomfortable, but it’s not going to do any physical damage to you; or at least it shouldn’t if you don’t make it that hot. So after you’ve been soaking in the hot bath for about half an hour, you’re going to get out. The bath is going to keep your temperature up for about 6 to 8 hours, but there’s somethings you can do to prolong that.
Step Two – Lots of Blankets in Bed:
Why shouldn’t you cover yourself when you got a fever? Because it can increase your fever! You’re about to go to bed, put a ton of blankets on your bed okay, more blankets that you need. Cover yourself, keep yourself heated.
Step Three – Onions in Armpits:
Now I’m not a hundred percent sure if this works but a lot of people on the internet are saying that if you take onions and put them under your armpits as you sleep, that’s going to help elevate the temperature as well. It’s not scientifically proven, but a lot of people say it works so why not give it a shot. So you’ve taken a hot bath, you’ve covered yourself with a ton of blankets and now you’re in bed with onions under your armpits. I’m sure your parents would be very proud of you right now.
Step Four – Don’t Sleep:
This next step is probably going to help a lot okay. Don’t sleep. Stay up, do your insta-twitter, your snap-vine… I don’t know whatever the teenagers are doing these days. Stay up late okay. Sleep deprivation is going to go a long way towards making you look like you are one sick little kid the next day or sick grown-up if you’re a grown-up doing this, in which case you need to be ashamed of yourself. By the time the sun comes up, you’re going to be hot, you’re going to be sleepy and you’re probably going to be regretting every decision you made up to that point. I told you a self induced fever was a great idea.
There you have it boys and girls. Now you know how to give yourself a fever. overnight, not how to get fever immediately. Don’t tell your mother about this video and enjoy your sick day off, and if you have enough energy left in you, go ahead and hit that subscribe button. Thanks for watching ya’ll, but for real this is a very bad idea and you shouldn’t be doing it, unless of course you want to know how to get sick overnight.
Low back ache is very common amongst women. Below 50 years, if you take almost 60% of the women can have backache. After 50 years it rises to upto 80%. Very low of these low backache patients have cancer. Breast cancer whenever it has got secondaries in the bone. Yes it can cause low back ache. This pain will be really excruciating pain and it is more common among the oldest people with the history of breast cancer or if they are anemic. Whenever secondaries happen in the bone, the calcium gets released into the blood, which can cause fatigue, nausea. You can feel very tired, generalized weakness. These are all the symptoms of secondaries in the bone. This can cause the bone very weak and fractures are very possible. So that can cause low back ache. So if you have any suspicious of low back ache, and then consult your physician.
After she developed chronic back pain, Tori Geib was told by doctors that she had depression or fibromyalgia. Then, she learned she had terminal cancer. Watch the video to learn more.
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